The Fourth Journalism Test

I’m about to go take my fourth journalism test in four weeks. See, I have learned something in this class; I spelled out “four” instead of using the numeral “4.” So, Yay for me!. I’m still not sure what I made on the AP Style test because our teacher decided she wanted to take a break from grading tests or something. I put in a good four hours of study time this morning, so I should be prepared. Well, I’m about as prepared as I can be. I might go crazy if I didn’t pass last week’s test, or if I don’t pass today’s test, and have to study like crazy again. My mind is completely fried at the moment, and it’s note even noon. If I can just make it through the day and tomorrow, I think I’ll be all right. I could keep on about this crazy thing called school, but it would not only bore you, it would also bore me. Plus, I have to get ready for that crazy thing. So I guess that’s my cue…