Tuesday, July 8, 2oo3
Well hello, people who actually might find this site nowadays. I know…I know…It’s been a long time since I’ve actually wrote. Over a month now. I haven’t had internet service for a while. Sorry to my avid readers. I’m going to try and keep my blog updated more frequently now that I once again have service. I’ve been keeping busy working, taking trips, and doing a summer reading project, which, by the way, is the Left Behind series. I am now on the fifth book called Appollyon. It has been an interesting read so far….Only six more books to go. I would like to finish up the Harry Potter series sometime or another. I’ve read the first book. And I want to finish the Lord of the Rings since I’ve already finished The Hobbit. They’re all great books, might I add.
But enough about books. I think I may be boring my readers. I’ve got lots to get done to this site. Of course, it’s going to take some time, since I’ve only got little to spare these days. And even less come August 20, when my second year here at Auburn University will start back. I’m kind of excited about it. Well I’m really kind of excited about meeting all the new freshman girls. Yay!
Anyways, I’ve got a big trip coming up soon. I’m going off to California with my roomie, Tim. Oh well. I guess I need to finish up this endless babbling sh*t with some words of wisdom. Be safe. Play hard. Those come from my buddy Hendricks. So mad props to him. I’ll holla atcha’ll lata. ~greenshady