Art, Last Will & Testament, & A Girl Puking On Our Table

Well let me see. Today I added my ART GALLERY, and yesterday I added my LAST WILL & TESTAMENT. So go check out those links if you want. I think they’re at least worth checking out. Anyways, Aaron, it’s been a while since I’ve got to post up some stuff for you. So I guess it’s about time to do just that.

I see you came up to tigger town the other day /
About that, I just got some things to say /
We had a couple of beers and laughs /
Then a girl made herself look like an ass /
After a few hours had past /
We were all disabled /
I just can’t believe that girl puked on our table /
Who drinks tequila without salt and a lime /
That girl must’ve lost her mind /
But we all tried to be kind /
And we joked on that girl as she left us behind /

Anyways, man, that’s about all I got. I just wanted to give you a few laughs. I’ll holla’ atcha’ lata’ ~greenshady