Unobtainable Highs

I think my head has been in another place, away from the rest of me, these last few days. I get so emotionally wrapped up when I watch a new series on DVD. Mostly, the characters and plots just make me wonder what my life would’ve been like if I had been stuck in their world and situations. I’m actually considering starting to play basketball now. Probably not on a recreational team or anything, just something to do to help me get back in shape. One Tree Hill has done that to me. It’s probably a good thing though. I need something for exercise these days. I’m almost through with the 3rd disc for the second time already. I’ve only had the set since Sunday.

I think a lot of my interests are spawned by my interest in television, film, and writing. I get caught up in the lives of these other people, and I want their drama, their life, their depression, their love. I want it all. Maybe I sometimes get lost because it’s something different, and we all hope for something better than what we have. I know I do. Although, sometimes I have to sit back and reflect on the high points involved with my life. And there has been some really high points in there that occasionally seem unreachable again. But, I know I’ve lived a fairly good life, and that there are still many, many more good things to come. I know this because nothing’s unobtainable.