Gin & Tonic
I just finished up my first bartending gig! It actually wasn’t so bad. Most of the drinks were pretty basic. I had the Gin & Tonic, Bourbon & Coke or Water, Vodka & Tonic, Scotch & Coke or Water, and a few other simple things. Overall, it was pretty fun. I came away with $35 for three-and-a-half hours, plus a $1 tip. The people were great, especially after a few drinks. I also tried my first, well…first two, Gin & Tonics. One of the better drinks I’ve tried. I’d say it’s definitely a good thing to have on the menu at a party. It was one of the top drinks served other than bourbon.
Well, I think it’s about time for me to settle down and watch some Angel: Season 5 on DVD. I need to prop up my ankle that I turned earlier today.