1,666.666666666666667 Words A Day
Sunday morning. Thermostat set to 65°, while the cool October morning settles itself in at around 41° in Auburn, Alabama…
Okay, I’m not going to post about the weather. I’m trying to get in a distinctive writing mode for the National Novel Writing Month. On November 1, 2005, I plan to start my 50,000 word novel. That totals out to 1,666.666666666666667 words per day or 11,667 words a week. So, I’ll need to come up with 5 pages (double-spaced) every day or 15 pages a week. That’s a lot. I’m going to attempt it though. No. Scratch that. I’m going to finish it. I will complete this short novel. Getting in the right frame of mind.
On that positive note, I’m going to bed. He says this as his eyes droop even farther down his face, 5 hours too late…