Applying For Editor & Sample Writings

Since I’ve been a little bit lazy about posting this week, and still so tonight, I have decided to double my readers up on some content. How’s that? I’ve posted two new stories in the writings section tonight.

This morning, I finally sent my resume and sample writings to the Union Springs Herald. I’m applying for an editor job. It took me two days to put my sample writings together because I literally did not have enough time in the day to do it. And no, I wasn’t on a lazy streak or anything. I simply didn’t have the time. That was with four hours of sleep a night.

I figured since I was organizing my work, I’d share some of it with my readers. Here are two of the stories that I sent:

  • Bedtime Adventures
    An interview with Jerry Sibley, author from Mount Hope, Ala., who penned The Adventures of Harley Earle.
  • The Tiger Taxi Guy
    A feature profile on Kevin McCarley, the owner of Tiger Taxi in Auburn, Ala., and his wild nightlife driving an orange taxi in a college town.

Wish me luck with the job, and pray that I get an interview!