Ryan Imel of WPCandy interviewed Brad Williams at WordCamp Phoenix. He talks about our upcoming book, Pro WP Plugin Development.
January 2011
Linking to all image sizes in WordPress
How to display links to all image sizes in a Flickr-esque fashion on image attachment pages in WordPress.
It’s sad that I have more friends on Twitter who can craft a complete sentence in fewer than 140 characters than on Facebook. My Facebook news feed is filled with trivial updates from people who don’t understand how to use a period properly, can’t figure out what to do with an uppercase letter, and often lack the ability to form a complete thought. The Elements of Style (yes, that’s a book) is your friend.
Plugin dev book available for pre-order
Professional WordPress Plugin Development by Brad Williams, Ozh Richard, and Justin Tadlock (me) is now available for pre-order on Amazon.com.
Several developers and community members predict what the future holds for WordPress themes in 2011. You can find my predictions mixed in with the bunch.
2011 Goals
My personal and some professional goals I have set for 2011 and how I fared in my 2010 goals.
Rethinking how news themes work
Using a custom taxonomy rather than a theme settings page to handle the front page for WordPress news themes.
Business as Usual
Look out there. Millions and millions of stars. Millions upon millions of worlds. And right now, half of them are fanatically dedicated to destroying the other half. Now, do you think, if one of those twinkling little lights suddenly went out, anybody would notice? Suppose I offered you 10 million … Continue reading →