April 25th, 2005
I finally finished up my German homework. Well…enough to turn in to the professor tomorrow. It’s considered part of our participation grade. Now I still have to write a paper for World Literature II by Thursday. I’ll probably write it on The Hunger Artist and A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings. Either compare and contrast or just stick to Magical Realism with A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings. Not sure yet. Probably the latter. And I have to start getting ready for my final German test on Friday. Our professor will probably try to cram a whole chapter in one week, or rather yet, two classes (Monday & Wednesday). At least after Friday I’ll have a whole week to study for the rest of my final exams. All of them are at the end of the exam period. Which is kind of nice, so I’ll have that extra study time. And a little bad, since it’ll prolong my time this semester. I’m just ready to get out for the summer, make some extra money, work on my web series and short films, and just be lazy.
So far, I’ve gotten 3 regular summer yard work jobs, 1 sometimes yard work job, and my regular ongoing library job. I’ve made $175 in the last two weeks just from yard work. And that’s only putting in about 18 hours. And I only made $120 in two weeks from the library for 24 hours. That’s a good total though. $295. That’s roughly $7/hour. I can’t complain too much. The $5.30/hour from the library brings the average down.
I also paid off $100 on my credit card bill. Only $240 left to go. Then I can buy me a 27 inch TV, and start repaying the credit card again.
It’s sad when I start calculating my earnings and bills to fill in the void on my web blog.
Anyways, I decided to make a list of possible things I want to purchase this summer. Here they are:
Boy Meets World: Season 2
Boy Meets World: Season 3
August 23, 2005
Dawson’s Creek: Season 5
May 3, 2005
Seinfeld: Season 4
May 17, 2005
Carnivale: Season 1
Scrubs: Season 1
May 17, 2005
Tru Calling: Season 1
27 inch Television Set
Some of the Buffy & Angel comics and novels.
And probably many other DVD’s that will come out in the summer.
Anyways, that’s my list for right now. Hopefully, I’ll get some of that stuff for my birthday. Which, by the way, is coming up really soon! May 1st to be exact. I think that’s this coming Sunday. In one week. I’ll be 21 years old! So, yay me! Alrighty, I think I’ll close off this little useless rant…