Weekly Roundup #9
What happened to last week’s roundup?
I had to reinstall my hard drive last weekend and put the finishing touches on the Structure theme. In the process, I lost a lot of links that I had saved in my feed reader. So, sorry to those that follow the Weekly Roundup. I now have everything working properly again.
Here are a few links that center on Web design. My personal favorite is Adii’s “53 Top Blog Designs.”
- Jeffrey Zeldman Presents I'm not even sure how or why I came across Jeffrey's site, but I'm glad I did. It's a beautiful layout that conforms to Web standards. It's worth checking out just for his style.
- Killing Some Bad Layout Conventions Andy Rutledge knows his stuff when it comes to the structure of a site. This is a "must read" article for those looking to better their layout skills.
- Jina Bolton This is one of those sites that just looks beautiful in terms of style. It's the type of site that I know I'll never design because it's not my style, but it's nice to look at.
- My 53 Top Blog Designs of 2007 WordPress Rockstar, Adii, while working on his blog redesign, puts together a comprehensive list of great site designs he's found this year. It'll take you a while to view them all, but they're worth checking out if you like to follow Web design trends.
This is the dumping ground for other blogs, sites, articles, and other things of interest. Be sure to check out Common Craft’s videos.
- Common Craft "We use a simple format and real-world stories to make sense of complex ideas." The Common Craft team puts together great videos in "Plain English" for use on the Web. Their videos are great for viewing and learning.
- OpenOffice I'm sure most of you have heard about this by now, and if you haven't, you might want to try it out. I'm using it to write an e-book write now (an e-book that's due sometime in the far away future).
- Why Traffic, Your Subscriber Count and Money Doesn't Matter To me, this is one of Skellie's best articles. I totally agree with the perspective on "looking" like an authority, even if you're not one. This article could change how you present your blog to the world.
- Write Your Most Popular Post Ever The first tip of this list of 10 says it all — "Time is more important than talent." This is a great article on how to write popular blog posts.
- Orlando prep school sues mother for criticizing it on blog This is an interesting case to follow. Blogger-moms, beware!
As always, you can keep up with my links by following my del.icio.us bookmarks or subscribing to the feed for next week’s roundup.