Wanted: WordPress membership plugin
Right now, there’s a limited number of options to run a membership site with WordPress. There are a few decent solutions, such as Your Members and aMember, but I’d like to see a few other concepts.
I believe Your Members is not quite there and aMember is too robust for most users needs. Trust me, I spent about two months researching different membership solutions for ThemeHybrid.com, and just about everything I’ve looked into is usually too complicated or not developed enough.
I don’t want to knock any of the great pieces of software and code currently out there because some of these work as great solutions.
The ideal membership plugin
Well, I’m sure you might have a bit of input on this, and I’d love to hear your thoughts.
What I’d like to see is something that works as well as the Role Manager plugin with easy-to-assign roles and capabilities packaged with a way to let users pay for membership through systems such as PayPal and Google Checkout.
Ideally, the site admin would set up user roles, such as “member,” “trial,” or whatever. With the functionality of Role Manager, it’d be easy to section off parts of the site (or the entire site) according to what the user is allowed to do.
We see WordPress moving into many directions every day, and I’m sure there are a lot of people looking for an easy-to-integrate membership solution.
Any developers?
I’d personally write the code for this myself if I knew enough about how payment systems worked and learned a bit more about the user role/capability system in WordPress. But, I’m limited for time myself, and a project of this magnitude would take a bit more than I have to spare at the moment.
If anyone’s interested in collaborating on such a project, I’d be more than willing chip in as much as possible with coding.
If no one’s interested, then I’ll probably still try to write the code for it. Of course, it might be a while before I’d even have a workable solution built.
If the plugin I’m asking for exists, then link to it, but I’ve yet to come across one that truly handles things in a very user-friendly way.
Ideas? Suggestions? I’d love to hear them.
Oh, and one more thing: I’d like for a plugin like this to be completely GPL and open to everyone within the WordPress community.