Planning my 26th birthday bash
On May 1, I’ll be hitting my 26th birthday. I’m fairly certain that I was knee-deep in WordPress code last year instead of celebrating, so I’m planning to take a break this time around. What’s the point of life if you can’t do something you enjoy on your birthday?
I’m not going to go completely crazy though. I just want to enjoy a couple of things I love doing but haven’t had the time for lately.
- Play a round of golf.
- Kick some ass on Halo 3 multiplayer for about 12 hours straight.
I will not be doing these things:
- Reading or replying to emails.
- Working on the Hybrid theme.
- Getting involved in WordPress-related arguments.
Checking my Twitter stream.Yeah, right!
If you want to celebrate the birth of me, keep reading. I’ve got two options for you.
Halo 3 online multiplayer
Since I can’t invite you all down here to Alabama to play golf with me, I thought it’d be fun to slaughter you in an online game. So, if you’re into Halo, feel free to add me as a friend and join me and some of my friends Saturday evening for a night-long Halo bash.
My gamer tag is justintadlock. Yes, it’s a boring gamer tag, but I couldn’t retrieve my password for my older, cooler, hardcore-gamer name.
I only have a few rules:
- Bring custom maps (that don't involve ninja moves to avoid falling to your death) if you have them.
- Someone must invite this guy.
Buy me something pretty
I only find books and movies pretty. Just so that’s clear.
I don’t usually promote my donation links or wish lists online, but I get asked once a week or so about donating for one of my plugins or a tutorial I’ve written. So, if you’re feeling generous, don’t like Halo 3, or will be attending WordCamp San Francisco instead of playing Halo with me, you’re certainly welcome to get me something from my Amazon wish list.
If you've ever wanted to hear a drunken Justin cursing because he can't remember which button switches back to his sniper rifle, I'd go with the first option.