
The current era is just the time frame that I’m living in now. Eventually, these posts will be dropped into a more specific time era when I move on to the next phase of my life.

Acrylic Painting #6: Country Sunset

This was my first time really trying to paint clouds. I’ve done a few abstractions of clouds but not individual ones. I thought it would be easy — and it was once I learned the technique. However, I had to make a lot of mistakes along the way. So, there … Continue reading →

Acrylic Painting #5: Sunset Lake

After completing all the work I had planned to offload on family for cheap holiday gifts, my grandmother — “Granny” as we call her — asked why she was not on the recipient list for a painting. Honestly, it came down to time. I didn’t have much of it with … Continue reading →

Acrylic Painting #4: Snow Train

I wanted to step away from the abstract a bit with this work over the weekend and shoot for something more realistic. Needless to say, I have a lot to learn. I fought with this painting for around six hours. Fortunately, I had plenty of time to waste as it … Continue reading →

Acrylic Painting #3: Pink Forest

This was a painting for my mom. I felt bad that my sisters were getting some of my newer stuff after she had claimed my first and ugliest work. So, I wanted to create her something with my current skills, albeit still limited. She can still have the first one, … Continue reading →

Acrylic Painting #2: Yellow Tree

This painting began with a blue paint tube that exploded from the wrong end. It almost felt like it was destined to fail from those first moments of cleaning blobs of paint, but I persevered. I was in the mood to try some of the techniques I had learned in … Continue reading →

Acrylic Painting #1

I have been itching to try another painting since I finished my last. Each attempt teaches me something new about how paint works on the canvas. My first two oil paintings were inspired by Bob Ross lessons, and that is an easy place to take up the brush for beginners. … Continue reading →

Oil Painting #2

Ummm…Justin, are you not supposed to be working on a novel manuscript? I might be procrastinating somewhat, using up my creative energy to try an artform that I have always wanted to learn since childhood. But, yes, I am supposed to be working on my novel. At the same time, … Continue reading →

The Fall of Reach and Three Years of Reading

Three years ago, I made a promise to myself. I would read something every day. At the time, it was just a loosely-defined goal. I could not remember if I had a stopping point in mind, such as “do this for one year.” But, the goal eventually morphed into a … Continue reading →

When You Cannot Afford Art, Make Your Own

Hanging paintings on the wall of your home was once seen as a status symbol. Nowadays, everyone can just about afford to get some print or another, but truly impressive art can still be prohibitive cost-wise. The best place to find neat pieces are at local shows and events. However, … Continue reading →

The Bath

The wide, six-foot-two man dipped a toe into the whirlpool tub to check the water temp. It was a bit tepid, at least for his desires in the moment. He bumped the knob over, turning up the heat. At 37, he has gotten to the age where some of those … Continue reading →