The Last Life

A period of time encompassing some of my darker days and the path on my way out.

The theme review team's content creation discussion

The theme review team (TRT) has been in the WP news a lot lately, right? Despite various tall tales, urban legends, personal attacks, and flavorful language being bandied about, we’re all a group of regular ol’, standard-built humans trying to make sure WordPress users have really awesome stuff. Some … Continue reading →

The Art of Writing Sensationalist Headlines. I think it’d make for a cool e-book title. I wonder how much I could sell it for.

Multiple checkbox customizer control

This post is part of my ongoing series of helping theme authors out with building customizer fields that they need help with. This request comes from Nilambar Sharma. The specific request was, “Have you developed customizer control for multi checkbox. Say five choices are given and user can select multiple … Continue reading →

My 10th

Well, today has come and gone by just like any other for the most part. However, I’ve been quietly contemplating the past 10 years of being involved in the WordPress community. It’s been a long, wacky, and exhilarating ride, one that I wouldn’t change for anything in the world. Here’s … Continue reading →

I’m always excited when WordPress adds a new feature. The first thing I do is try to extend it in some way to do something even more awesome. It doesn’t even matter if I have a particular need for the feature. I’m like a kid in a toy shop, playing around with all the new stuff. I’ve always assumed other devs were the same way, but it has been made clear to me that’s not always the case.

The most awesomesauce WordPress theme business

I know what you’re thinking. OMG, not another long, boring list of “influential” people made by a theme author, wagging it while patting some buddies on the back. I’m not going to do that. Those lists are not unique, having little more to offer that the guy who wrote the … Continue reading →

At this point, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised how much hostility and disinformation can be spread by one or two people in the WordPress community. I’ve seen too much of it over the years to expect anything different. It probably shouldn’t surprise me that some people continue to give them an open platform to construct lies and twist truths. I expected better. I expect better.

Customizer: How to save image (media) data

A couple of weeks ago, the Theme Review Team (TRT) announced that we’d be requiring theme options to go through the customizer rather than custom settings screens. I wrote the post explaining the details of our settings guideline change. In that post, I volunteered my coding services for building … Continue reading →

A new chapter in my life

Updated: Yes, this was an April Fool's prank! It has to be at least slightly believable to fool you, right? Also, I wanted to make sure Jeff at WP Tavern had a really hard time figuring out what was real and fake news today. :) I’ve been taking steps over … Continue reading →

I posted a new tutorial on today on when and how to prefix code in WordPress themes. It’s also relevant to plugin development.