I am Justin Tadlock.

I am also a writer. A front-end developer. A gardener. A small-town Alabama kid just trying to figure out whatever it is that that folks are supposed to figure out on this journey. Welcome to my little home on the web.

Chicago, Santanna's Birthday, & Nimmonionion

Oh gosh! I have another stupid Psychology test tomorrow. And I have to turn in an English Comp. II paper. Which it was actually pretty fun writing, since it was a movie review of Chicago. So no complaints here. At least it wasn’t one of those stupid “Plagiarism” papers we’ve … Continue reading →

Welcome To My Site

hello! and welcome to my site. i am always wanting to change layouts too fast. i’ve been sittin here all day pretty much workin on this new iframes thing and changing the look of the site. well anyways, be sure to sign the #link-removed before you leave. enjoy! … Continue reading →