I am Justin Tadlock.

I am also a writer. A front-end developer. A gardener. A small-town Alabama kid just trying to figure out whatever it is that that folks are supposed to figure out on this journey. Welcome to my little home on the web.

Getting Ready To Move Out

Soooo Sorry to my avid readers for not writing lately. I’ve been really busy with work and packing my stuff up to move out. I’ve got one week left until I get to move in my new apartment. yay Anyways, not much has been going on except that. I got … Continue reading →

Dope Rap, Wine, The Lakers, & The Bulls

Every night I pray, Every step I take, Every move I make, Every single day……..Yeah, Yeah, Uh—Uh…..Oh my bad, just listening to some Puffy. Now it’s time for some Tupac. Oh well, sooooo oh so avid readers, I hope you enjoyed your few days you didn’t have to read the … Continue reading →

Going Down To H-Town With Mad Rhyme

Well hello, everyone! I’m so happy! My domain is almost finished up. I’ve still got some files to move, make sure everything is working right, and make a new layout. The resident evil 0 layout is starting to get old. But I have to admit, it is the best layout … Continue reading →

Back Then We Was Just Fools

Wassup!!! READER!!! Wooohooo!!! Oh well….I’m just trying to get your attention. I hope I got it now. Guess what? I have a new domain now. Well…it’s in the process. The name of it is dark autumn. The actual address will be www.dark-autumn.com , but it won’t be up for a … Continue reading →

Aaron Working Like A Mexican Soldier

SoOoOoOoO Sorry, to those avid readers who love this little useless section on the the world wide web. I’ve been really busy lately. I just finished up my last final exam Tuesday. Then I’ve been working the last two days. Well…….I partied last night also. Gotta relieve a little stress. … Continue reading →

Wednesday, April 30, 2oo3

Wellllll……..Helloooooooooo everyone!!! It’s the last happy day of April. Wooohooo!!! And Geocities has been screwing me lately. It takes like a whole day for them to even put up what I might type in the morning. It won’t even show up til that night. And they’ve erased like all my … Continue reading →

Tuesday, April 29, 2oo3

Hello…Oh so avid readers of mine. Man it is a sucky day. I’m pretty sick right now. I think it’s because I was outside without a coat on all Saturday night. It was kind of chilly. I had fun at the time though. Oh well. I would’ve wrote Sunday night, … Continue reading →

Friday, April 25, 2oo3

This is FCKIN BULLSHT!!! I just wrote like a thousand word essay for my blog here, and then Geocities website was not responding and it lost everything. I’m really pissed right now. But I’ll try and give you the main points of what I was saying. Big thing first: We’re … Continue reading →

Thursday, April 24, 2oo3

La la la lala LAAAAAAAAA…………Hello, and GOOD MORNING. What a wonderful day it is. Thurday, no school……..wait, what am I saying? I’ve got a test and some papers due tomorrow morning. Sh*t. Almost a perfect day. Oh well, of course I haven’t even went to bed yet, and it’s really … Continue reading →

Wednesday, April 23, 2oo3

Once again it is in the wee hours of the morning, the sun not quite yet has started to yawn over the murky sky. The night air chilled my skin just a lil’ as I just recently stepped outside to smoke a cigarette………….Well anyways, I just got off the phone … Continue reading →