
Livin’ the dream!

2022-2023 Network TV Schedule

It is nearing one of my favorite times of year once again: autumn. With plans to reprogram my outdoor OTA antenna this afternoon in anticipation of the upcoming network TV season, I thought it was time to share my to-watch schedule. If I’m being honest, I didn’t make it far … Continue reading →


As I was walking back from the mailbox at the end of the drive last week, I stopped to take in the view (shown in the image above). The sky was breathtaking. My photo really doesn’t do it justice. For a moment, all was right with the world. I was … Continue reading →

2022 Goals

As I like to do every January 1, I am posting my goals for the new year. Over the past few years, I have had some hits and misses. However, I have always felt like I made good on my promise to pursue any first-of-the-year plans shared here on the … Continue reading →

2021: A Year of Art

Another year. Another 365 rotations of this insignificant rock revolving around a glowing ball of nuclear fusion. It is merely one of billions in the Milky Way, a blip on the cosmic scale amongst its trillions of brethren. But, it is my tiny little rock, and I happen to like … Continue reading →

The Bath

The wide, six-foot-two man dipped a toe into the whirlpool tub to check the water temp. It was a bit tepid, at least for his desires in the moment. He bumped the knob over, turning up the heat. At 37, he has gotten to the age where some of those … Continue reading →

The Christmas Tree

One of the things I have always wanted was a great big Christmas tree in my own home. Over the years, as an adult, there has always been something that stood in the way of that happening …

2021-2022 Network TV Schedule

Gearing up for football season, I recently hooked up my outdoor antenna in the new home. The ViewTV antenna I bought in 2018 is still going strong. I’ve gone through the past year without access to network TV, but I have also been settling into a new home for most … Continue reading →


My past year on this earth was a bit of a whirlwind. Facing down the COVID-19 pandemic has not been easy on any of us. But, years from now, I think I’ll remember the good stuff. My life has changed for the better in so many ways. I am in … Continue reading →

2021 Goals

As I look back on the past year, it is hard to believe everything that happened. I am a proud owner of a new home that sits on 2.5 acres of land. I have worked as a full-time writer at WP Tavern for over a year. Plus, so many other … Continue reading →