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The Fourth Journalism Test

I’m about to go take my fourth journalism test in four weeks. See, I have learned something in this class; I spelled out “four” instead of using the numeral “4.” So, Yay for me!. I’m still not sure what I made on the AP Style test because our teacher decided … Continue reading →

See, I Am Posting Regularly Again

I told you people I would be writing a little more regularly now. I’m not exactly “caught up” (for lack of a better phrase) with school work just yet, but I’m getting there. If I pass my Journalism test today, I will only have one more left to pass. Then … Continue reading →

Long Time, No Post, Right?

I know, long time, no post, right? Oh well, I’ve been busy. I had promised to write regularly, but it just ain’t happening. I’ve been so busy with school. This week alone I’ve already had a test and I just finished a rough draft of an essay that’s due today. … Continue reading →

Midget Aliens

Yes, another boring day in the life of Justin Tadlock. Oh, hello, reader. What? Where have I been? Oh yes, I was abducted by midget aliens for a week-and-a-half. I know I said I would get back to blogging, but they didn’t have a good connection up there. And to … Continue reading →

Why I Haven't Updated In A While

Yeah, yeah. I know I haven’t written in a while, and tonight isn’t going to be much different. I just wanted my readers to know that I’m still alive. I’ve just been so busy with moving and Christmas, and now school just started back. It’ll take me a few days … Continue reading →