
Livin’ the dream!

I just wanted to make a quick note that my birthday is in a couple of days (May 1) and pass along a link to my Amazon Wish List (hint, hint). Also, feel free to join me for a little Halo Reach action this Saturday. Gamer tag: justintadlock.

2011 Goals

My personal and some professional goals I have set for 2011 and how I fared in my 2010 goals.

Business as Usual

Look out there. Millions and millions of stars. Millions upon millions of worlds. And right now, half of them are fanatically dedicated to destroying the other half. Now, do you think, if one of those twinkling little lights suddenly went out, anybody would notice? Suppose I offered you 10 million … Continue reading →


Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months. Oscar Wilde … Continue reading →

Planning my 26th birthday bash

It will soon be time for my 26th birthday. This year, I’m going to celebrate, and you all are invited to join me.


The goals that I’d like to accomplish in my personal and online life in the 2010 year.

Omelet and toast

How to make a delicious omelet and toast breakfast that will help you get any day started right.