I am Justin Tadlock.

I am also a writer. A front-end developer. A gardener. A small-town Alabama kid just trying to figure out whatever it is that that folks are supposed to figure out on this journey. Welcome to my little home on the web.

Thursday, March 18, 2oo4

Okay…Okay…I know I said last night that I would be back later to blog. Well…That didn’t happen. I got really, really tired, and went to bed at like 9:3o. Anyways, I’ve been working on a new layout for when I get to version 8.o. You can view it HERE. I … Continue reading →

Version 7.1

Well here it is! Version 7.1…I guess I just wanted a new layout. Something a little different. I may change it very soon. I just had to put up a little something new. Anyways, I’ll be back later tonight to blog on other useless things. ~greenshady … Continue reading →

Picture Gallery, WCA, Actor Guild

I didn’t get to go to class this morning…I couldn’t find the key to my car. Kind of sucks, cause we were having a test review today. That would’ve been easy, and I would’ve learned something. Oh well… I added a PICTURE GALLERY Link No Longer Available today. So go … Continue reading →

Nominate Yourself In The WCA

Wow!!! I’ve been up for 33 straight hours. I’m going to go to bed soon after posting here though. Nominate yourself in the Website Choice Awards Link No Longer Available. Now, I am going to continue posting this until we get some people to come nominate themselves. And there has … Continue reading →

Fixed The Wall Of Shame

Alright folks…Just to let you know I fixed up the WALL OF SHAME today. I redone it with iframes. It still has the same look though. It’s just easier to navigate through now. Anyways…I just wanted to go ahead and post that. Hopefully, I’ll be back later tonight. Signing off… … Continue reading →

New Art, WCA, & Planned All-Nighter

Well it’s almost 7:3o in the morning. And I’m bored out of my mind. I tried to go to sleep at like 4. But I just layed there for like an hour and a half. Since then, I’ve just been checking out people’s websites. I added some new images in … Continue reading →

I Said I Would Blog In A Few Hours

Alrighty…I said I would blog in a few hours…So it’s been like almost eight hours now. That’s 1/4 of a whole day…Wow! Well I really do want to say something special, but I must get some sleep…I’ll be sure to have something great to say later today when I get … Continue reading →

Second Year For Website Choice Awards

I’m back…I just got done finishing up my WEBSITE CHOICE AWARDS site. It’s in it’s second year now. You (the people) will get to vote on the best sites nominated. Nominations are being taken for all categories at the moment. So hurry up and get you a spot if you … Continue reading →

Pocket Easy - A Crafts From Home Site

Hello…All…I know I’ve been talkin a little about PocketEasy.net lately. Well…My roomates and I have been talking it over, and decided that for now the site will be a crafts from home site. So that means, we’ll have to do a little more research. Which in turn, also means, it … Continue reading →